English-Chapter1| Vocabulary | كايرودار

English-Chapter1| Vocabulary | كايرودار

للصف الثالث الثانوي

English-Chapter1| Vocabulary | كايرودار

للصف الثالث الثانوي 

English-Chapter1| Vocabulary | كايرودار

للصف الثالث الثانوي 

Interviewer : Thank you for coming into the studio this morning. Could you start by telling the listeners what you’re doing this week?
Astronaut : Well, this is a very special week for me. Tomorrow afternoon, I’m travelling with two other astronauts to a secret location. The launchis at 7.50 the next evening.
Interviewer : How exciting! Will this be the first time you’ve been in space?
Astronaut : Yes it will. I’m really looking forward to it.
Interviewer : What is your mission, exactly?
Astronaut : We have to repair equipment on the international Space Station.
Interviewer : What’s the problem?
Astronaut : There are two or three things we need to look at, but the main problem is the temperature control system. We think there may be a leak of some kind.
Interviewer : Is that a difficult job?
Astronaut No, not particularly, but we'll almost certainly need to spend some time working outside.
Interviewer : Do you mean a spacewalk?
Astronaut : Yes, maybe, but we won’t know for sure until we’re there and can examine the equipment properly.
Interviewer : Isn’t that really dangerous?
Astronaut : Not really – we’ve had a lot of training and of course we’re going to be very careful.
Interviewer : How long will you be in space for?
Astronaut : We’ll probably be there for about five or six days. It depends on how serious the problems are.
Interviewer : That’s very exciting. Thank you for talking to us. And good luck with your mission!
Astronaut : Thank you.

Space Holidays
July 2009 was the 40th anniversaryof man first walking on the Moon. Ever since that day, we have been promised that holidays in space are not far away. Now a representative for the World Tourism Organisationpredicts that, in the next ten years, people will be queuing to book their holidays in space. They will fly by rocket to a space station which will be orbiting the Earth at a height of 320 kilometres – that is about the same as the distance from Cairo to El-Minya. The space station itself will be like a giant spinning wheel with spokes like a bike wheel. There will be two kinds of spokes: those with ordinary gravity and those with zero gravity for weightless sports.
Some people who are interested in space holidays are worried that, as space tourists, they will suffer from the same horrible side effects as astronauts have suffered from, but experts say that there are now treatments for most side effects.
Just think about such a holiday in space. Everyone who has travelled in space has described the magical feeling of looking down on the Earth as it spins below you. It will be impossible to go shopping or go for a walk, but think of the fun you can have with weightless football or weightless gymnastics.
For most people, the main disadvantage at the moment is the cost of space holidays. Currently, the cost of a holiday is very high. But like everything else, the more people want to do something, the cheaper it will
launch يطلق / انطلاق (صاروخ / قمر صناعي) route طريق
leak يتسرب / تسريب / تسرب deaf أصم
mission مهمة lift يرفع / مصعد
temperature درجة حرارة lake بحيرة
location موقع summer holiday إجازة الصيف
almost تقريبا stand still يبقي ساكنا
anniversary ذكري سنوية transport نقل و مواصلات
organization منظمة probably من المحتمل
predict يتنبأ plan خطة
space station محطة فضاء predictions تنبؤات
spin تدور walk round يتجول
spinning wheel العجلة الدوارة control يتحكم / تحكم
gravity جاذبية wheel عجلة
weightless بلا وزن mystery سر
horrible رهيب far away بعيدا
astronaut رائد فضاء secret سر
treatment علاج system نظام
look down ينظر لأسفل well-trained مدرب جيدا
gymnastics رياضة بدنية equipment معدات
disadvantage عيب space walk السير في الفضاء
technology تكنولوجيا do sports ممارسة الرياضة
exploration استكشاف مكان representative مندوب / ممثل
instant فوري queue up يصطف
communication اتصالات rocket صاروخ
climate change تغير المناخ orbit مدار / تدور
exciting مثير distance مسافة
a tap صنبور spokes أسلاك
air-conditioning التكييف zero gravity معدوم الجاذبية
replace يستبدل space holidays رحلات الفضاء
replacements بدائل space ship سفينة فضاء
a grave violation انتهاك خطير outer space الفضاء الخارجي
mutual benefit فائدة متبادلة a vast area مساحة شاسعة
benefit the economy يفيد الاقتصاد highly beneficial مفيد للغاية
side effects
أثار جانبية sat-nav system الملاحة عن طريق القمر الصناعي
expert خبير drill ثقب / حفر
magic feeling شعور سحري steam بخار / باخرة سفر
below أسفل arrangements ترتيبات
cost تكلفة keep fit يبقي لائقا بدنيا
examine يفحص currently حاليا
look like يشبه compare يقارن
improve يحسن intention نية
satellite قمر صناعي temperature درجة حرارة
global warming الاحتباس الحراري world tourism السياحة العالمية
repair يصلح / إصلاح questionnaire استبيان
patient مريض take turn يأخذ بدوره
space walk المشي في الفضاء a rescue mission مهمة إنقاذ
password كلمة السر reveal a secret يُفشي سر
fuel pump مضخة وقود maximum benefit فائدة قصوى
a diplomatic mission مهمة دبلوماسية a space shuttle مكوك فضاء
a political system نظام سياسي Essay مقال
Un expected غير متوقع Glider طائرة شراعية
Language Notes
souvenir  هدية تذكارية
Tourists always buy souvenirs from Khan ElKhalili.
memory  الذاكـرة
My mobile has 1GB card memory
memory  ذكـري
We have good and bad memories.
memorial  نُصُب تذكاري
The wall was built as a memorial to soldiers who died in Vitnam.
anniversary  ذكري سنوية
They celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary yesterday.
Invent Discover Explore
Invent  يخترع شئ جديد لم يكن موجود من قبل
Edison invented the electrical lamb.
Discover  يكتشف شئ كان موجود ولكنه غير معروف
Newten discovered gravity.
Explore  يستكشف مكان غريب ويعرف شئ عنه
It is said that Columbus landed on America and exlored it.
Affect = have an effect on
Affect  يؤثر علي
Smoking affects health badly.
Effect  تأثير/ أحياناً تستخدم كفعل بمعني يحدث أو يسبب
Smoking has a bad effect on health.
He effected several changes in the company.
everyone /everybody /someone/somebody/no one/nobody/person
 لاحظ استخدام فعل مفرد مع الكلمات الآتية ولكن عند الإشارة إليها بضمير نستخدم ضمير جمع:
Everyone benefits from space technology in their everyday lives.
Everyone has their own ideas about the best way to bring up children.
everyday every day
everyday (adj.)  تستخدم ككلمة واحدة بمعني يومي وهي في هذه الحالة صفة 
The problems of everyday life have no end. الحياة اليومية
every day (adv.)  تستخدم ككلمتان منفصلتان بمعني كل يوم وهي في هذه الحالة حال.
He watches TV. every day.
plane glider shuttle rocket spaceship
plane  طائرة بمحرك
We always travel abroad by plane.
Glider  طائرة شراعية بدون محرك
A glider can fly without an engine.
shuttle  مكوك فضاء
A shuttle can travel into space and return to Earth more than once.
rocket  صاروخ
Astronauts will fly by rockets to a space station.
spaceship  سفينة فضاء
A spaceship can travel to space.
destination location site
destination  مكان الوصول ( المكان المقصود )
Our luggage was checked all the way through to our final destination.
location  موقع
What is the exact location of the ship.
site  موقـع أثـرى / بنـاء/موقـع على الانترنت
Abu Simble is the site of two temples south of Aswan.
launch shoot erupt revolt
launch  يطلق قمر صناعى
Egypt launched two satellites.
shoot  يطلق النار من ( مسدس ـ بندقية ......... )
The soldiers shot the mad dog.
erupt  يثور ـ ينفجر ( بركان )
The volcano erupted and caused a lot of damage.
revolt  يثور على ( وضع ـ نظام )
Teenagers always revolt against parental discipline.
spend + time + (v+ing)  يقضى
They spent the night watching TV.
Spend (on) Sth.  ينفق ( يصرف ) مال
He spends a lot of money on escapism.اللهو / الترفيه
expect to + مصدر  يتوقـع
He expects to find a good job soon.
expect ( that ) + Sub + will + inf.  يتوقـع فى المضارع
I expect it will rain.
expected ( that ) + Sub + would + inf.  فى الماضى
I expected it would rain.
two- hour drive ساعتـان سفـر بالسيـارة
take off تقـلع
try my hardest أبـذل ما فـى وسعـى
set off يبـدأ رحلـة
set up يـؤسـس
cope with= keep up with يسـاير
keep mind occupied يشغـل الذهـن
cut out يتـوقـف فجـأة
cut off يوقـف إمـداد ـ يفصـل
at a height of على ارتفاع
treatment for علاج لـ
have fun with يجد متعة في..
launch a campaign يشن حملة
launch a satellite يُطلق قمر صناعي
queue up يصطف في طابور
turn around يستدير
good luck with.. حظ سعيد في..
fall to the ground يسقط عليالأرض
Perform physical exercises يؤدي تمارين رياضية
reach for the stars يطلـب المستحيـل
fall away into the sea يسقط في البحر
be sick of يمل ـيسأم من
live on another planet يعيش علي كوكب آخر
the growing number of العدد المتزايد من
move around يتنقل
go round يدور
strapped to مربوط بــ
be attached to مرتبط بـ / مرفق مع
rely on = depend on = count on يعتمد علي
look after يعتني بــ
feel about يشعر بــ
problem with مشكلة بـــ
attach to يربط بـــ
go on space holidays يقوم بأجازة في الفضاء
do a space walk يقوم بالمشي في الفضاء
improve living conditions يُحسن ظروف المعيشة
Words that go together:
Launch ( a rocket-a satellite-a space ship- a campaign )
Make ( mistake-promise-prediction-suggestion-decision-money)
A leak in ( tap-gas tube-cup-tank )
Do (sport-favour-work-job-- gymnastics -post graduate studies – spacewalk)
Go (on / for a holiday-for a walk- shopping-swimming )
Exercises on vocabulary
Choose the correct answer:
1) The navy ……………..a new warship last week.
a) launched b) lunched c) punched d) attached
2) The contents of the report were …………..to the press.
a) baked b) cheated c) liked d) leaked
3) This matter is ………….. being discussed.
a) costly b) currently c) distantly d) tightly
4) "Distance" means the amount of …………..between two places.
a) place b) time c) money d) space
5) The unexpected results of an activity are called …………..effects.
a) side b) aside c) inside d) outside
6) …………..makes objects fall to the ground.
a) Gravity b) Ability c) Activity d) Capacity
7) ……… is a sport in which physical exercises and movements are performed.
a) Statistics b) Gymnastics c) Classics d) Mechanics
8) Astronauts usually work in …………..conditions.
a) weightless b) useless c) hopeless d) meaningless
9) To spin is to turn …………..very quickly.
a) around and around b) on and off
c) up and down d) forward and backward
10) A …………..is a thin metal bar which connects the ring around the outside of a wheel to its centre.
a) spring b) star c) spoke d) spear
11) The moon has less ………….. than the earth, so you could jump much higher there.
a) grave b) gravity c) gape d) acidity
12) …………..gymnastics is a very good way of keeping fit.
a) Doing b) Making c) Having d) Taking
13) I think there's a problem …………..my internet connection.
a) of b) at c) for d) with
14) The …………..betweenCairo and London is 3, 5000 kilometers.
a) distance b) time c) difference d) hindrance
15) When you are …………..in space, it must be very difficult to stand still.
a) countless b) weightless c) harmless d) endless
16) ………….., over 500 students are enrolled on the course.
a) Efficiently b) Carefully c) Currently d) Cunningly
17) …………..are well trained to do space walks.
a) Astronauts b) Accountants c) Astrologers d) Engineers
18) A space station will …………..the Earth.
a) turn b) spin c) move d) orbit
19) A lot of people would like to go …………..space holidays.
a) on b) in c) at d) with
20) July 1969 was …………..people first landed on the moon.
a) what b) where c) when d) which
21) The spokes of the space station have ………... gravity.
a) full b) zero c) maximum d) under
22) There are now …………..for most side effects of space travel.
a) agreements b) amusements c) treatments d) appointments
23) Space tourists will fly to the space station by ………..
a) ship b) boat c) plane d) rocket
24) …………..technology has improved everyone's lives.
a) Modern b) Traditional c) Old d) Ancient
25) Some people have …………..more from this TV programme than others.
a) comforted b) infected c) benefited d) filtered
26) It's still not possible to accurately ………… the occurrence of earthquakes.
a) predict b) defect c) convict d) restrict
27) A: I think computers are indispensable nowadays.
B: I couldn't agree …………...
a) much b) few c) more d) little
28) Everybody is aware of the hazards of smoking, …………?
a) isn't he b) doesn't he c) is he d) aren't they
29) Space …………..costs a lot of money.
a) exploration b) admiration c) aspiration d) celebration
30) Gymnastics and football are two sports that people can ………. in space.
a) do b) make c) act d) avoid
31) The doctor …………..the patient carefully.
a) expected b) extended c) examined d) explained
32) China is going to …………a new satellite into space soon.
a) launch b) branch c) bunch d) crash
33) I can smell a gas …………..in the kitchen.
a) fake b) break c) leak d) lock
34) The soldiers' …………..was to attack the radio station.
a) condition b) confession c) confirmation d) mission
35) These plans must be kept ………… from the enemy.
a) known b) regret c) secret d) open
36) We need to reform our educational …………...
a) order b) system c) equipment d) device
37) A lot of scientists are ……… doing experiments to find a cure for swine flu.
a) currently b) angrily c) badly d) bitterly
38) I don't think you understand the …………..of the situation.
a) ambiguous b) anxiety c) gravity d) authority
39) He started the meeting …………..telling us something about his family.
a) with b) in c) by d) of
40) Does this drug have any side …………..?
a) effects b) affects c) reflects d) infects
41) The Earth …………..on its axis.
a) stems b) stains c) spins d) springs
42) What's the …………..betweenCairo and Alexandria?
a) time b) length c) distance d) width
43) I'm afraid I don't agree …………..your opinion.
a) of b) from c) with d) in
44) The plane …………..inMadrid at 7.00 p.m.
a) bends b) lands c) hands d) rents
45) He did a lot to …………..conditions for factory workers.
a) approve b) move c) improve d) destroy
46) Buying this old car is a …………..of money.
a) waste b) waist c) wisdom d) failure
47) The crew are planning a four-hour space …………..to carry out the necessary repair work on the shuttle.
a) jump b) run c) walk d) talk
48) The storm has had a bad …………..on the crops.
a) effect b) afflict c) affect d) detect
49) We always celebrate our wedding …………..with dinner in an expensive restaurant.
a) anniversary b) memory c) memorial d) failure
50) Everyone knows who stole it, but …………..are all afraid to tell anyone.
a) he b) you c) she d) they
Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- After the storm, they had to compare the roof.
2- The students were inspected on ancient Egyptian history.
3- Two sparks in the wheel of my bicycle were broken.
4- Scientists are testing the new drug to find out if it has any outside effects.
5- July 2009 was the fortieth memorial of man first walking on the moon.
6- Concurrently, the cost of a space holiday is very high.
7- In space, you can have fun with weighty football and gymnastics.
8- At the moment, the main advantage of a space holiday is its cost. It is very expensive.
9- In the next ten years, people will be queuing to lock their holidays in space.
10- The space station will be ordering the Earth at a height of 320 km.
11- Space tourists can make weightless sports in space.
12- July 1969 was when people first laundered on the moon.
13- Space tourists will fly to the space station by racket.
14- The feeling of looking down on the Earth from space is described as logical.
15- Would you like being an astronaut?
16- I'm looking forward to travel to space.
17- My father helped me doing the homework.
18- We really need to spend more money in education.
19- His mansion in life is to help the poor.
20- Activity is the force that makes things fall to the ground.

Language Functions:
Agreeing with an opinion Disagreeing with an opinion.
I (completely) agree. I (completely) disagree.
I couldn't agree more. I don't agree.
(Yes), you are quite right. I'm not (so) sure.
I'd go along with that. I don't think so.
That's true. That's (just) not true.
Respond to the following situations:
1- Your brother thinks that global warming is a serious problem. You agree with him.
2- Your friend tells you that the English exam is so difficult. You think it's not true.
3- A tourist asks you about the next train to Luxor. Tell him there's one at ten o'clock.
4- Your friend asks you to go swimming tomorrow, but you have arranged to have lunch with your brother.
5- You ask your friend's opinion about the best way to keep fit.
6- Your sister tells you that prices are going up all the time. You agree completely.

Grammar Study
Forms of the Future
هناك عدة أشكال للمستقبل سوف نتناولها بإيجاز في السطور التالية :
• Quick decisionقرار سريع
 He will travel tomorrow ( he decided at the time of speaking)
• Predictionتنبؤ
 I predict that it will rain tomorrow.
• Future factحقيقة مستقبلية
 Salma will be eight years old next month.
• Offerعرض
 Don't worry , I will lend you some money to buy that shirt.
• Promiseوعد
 If you get high marks , I will buy you a present.
• Threatتهديد
 I will punish you if you come late again.
و مع هذة الكلماتThink – expect – hope – sure – probably – perhaps – almost certainly
رابط زمني+ مضارع بسيط فاعل will + inf
( after-as soon as-before-by the time-until-If-when)

• Shall I + infللعرض  Shall I open the door for you?
• Shall we + infللاقتراح  Shall we go out today?
يستخدم المستقبل القريب للتعبير عن:-
- نية أو تخطيط لعمل شئ ما فى المستقبل
• I am going to travel to Tanta tomorrow.
 ( I intendto travel to Tanta )
• Areyougoingtocleanthe house? = Do you intend to clean the house?
• My father is going to buy a new car.
 ( He planned to buy a new car )
• They are going to study English.
لاحظ استخدام هذة الكلماتintend – decide – plan
- أحداث على وشك الحدوث مع وجود علامة على مقربة حدوث الفعل.
• The sky is full of dark clouds. It is going to rain.
• Look at that boy on the bike. He is going to fall.
• The doctors told us that the patient is going to die as his condition is serious.
من الممكن استخدام المضارع المستمر للتعبير عن المستقبل و يعبر عن:-
وجود ترتيبات مسبقة:
• He's flying to India next Monday. (He's got his tickets.)
• I'm going home in half an hour. (I have arranged it with the boss)
• I can't see you tomorrow. We're visiting relatives.
• I am seeing the boss tomorrow. (I have an appointment with him.)
إستخدام المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن المستقبل مع المواعيد الثابتة (وسائل المواصلات – حفلات السينما والمسرح – الجدوال ومواعيد الامتحانات000)
• My plane leaves at 10 o'clock tomorrow.
• The train to Luxor arrives in an hour.
• The film starts at 6 pm.
يستخدم المستقبل المستمر للتعبير عن حدث سوف يكون مستمر في وقت محدد في المستقبل:-
• I will be playing football at 5 o'clock tomorrow.
• From 6 to 7:30 this evening, I will be watching the match.
يستخدم المستقبل التام للتعبير عن حدث سوف يكتمل حدوثه قبل أو في خلال فترة معينة في المستقبل:-
• My father will have finished his work by8 o'clock.
• I will have cleaned the flat in 2 hours.
• This time tomorrow they will have arrived.
و علامات المستقبل التام هي :-
By + وقت محددin + فترة زمنيةthis time + وقت محدد
و أخيرا لاحظ الفرق بين هذة الجمل:-
• I will have my lunch at 2 o'clock. ( I will start having it at 2 o'clock )
• I am going to have my lunch at 2 o'clock. (I've already decided and planned to have it at 2)
• I will be having lunch at 2 o'clock( I will be in the middle of the meal )
• I will have had my lunch by 2 o'clock. ( I will finish having my lunch by 2 )
لاحظ المبنى للمجهول فى أزمنة المستقبل :-
• Will + be + P.P المستقبل البسيط و المستمر
• am-is-are going t + be + P.P المستقبل القريب
• will have + been + P.P المستقبل التام
• am-is-are + being + P.P المضارع المستمر
Exercises on Grammar:
Choose the correct answer:
1. That's the phone. I …………….. it.
a) answer b) am answering c) would answer d) will answer
2. I think my cousin …………….. engineering. He is very clever at Maths.
a) will study b) studies c) going to study d) would study
3. My German lesson …………….. atfour o'clock this afternoon.
a) is stating b) starts c) has been starting d) start
4. We …………….. probably be there for two weeks.
a) will b) may c) are going to d) are
5. I can't meet you this afternoon. I …………….. the shopping.
a) am doing b) do c) have done d) may do
6. My plane …………….. at10 o'clock tomorrow.
a) is leaving b) shall leave c) leave d) leaves
7. I am studying medicine. I …………….. a doctor.
a) may be b) am going to be c) am being d) be
8. I expect that he …………….. the match.
a) wins b) will win c) is going to win d) is winning
9. Somebody is knocking on the door. I …………….. and open it.
a) am going b) will go c) have gone d) go
10. She …………….. toSpain next Monday. Everything is arranged.
a) is flying b) flies c) fly d) would fly
11. What are your plans for tomorrow? – I …………….. tennis with a friend.
a)am going to paly b) play c) have played d) shouldn't play
12. Watch out! You …………….. the glasses.
a) are dropping b) drop c) are going to drop d) would drop
13. Don't worry. I …………….. you the money you need.
a) lend b) am lending c) will lend d) should lend
14. It's arranged. We …………….. to the Red Sea this summer.
a) will go b) go c) are going d) may go
15. I think you …………….. very good at squash.
a) will be b) is going to be c) is being d) will
16. A: I am going on holiday tomorrow. B: I'm sure you…………….. it.
a)are going to enjoy b) are enjoying c) enjoy d) will enjoy
17. A: What are you doing at the weekend? B: I expect I…………….. some time with my friends.
a) am going to pend b) am spending c) will spend d) spend
18. Think the weather in England …………….. cold and rainy.
a) will be b) is going to be c) is being d) shall be
19. There's not a cloud in the sky- it …………….. another very sunny day.
a) is going to be b) are being c) are going be d) will be
20. A: This year I …………….. go swimming every day. B: That's a good idea. You will get very fit.
a) am going to b) am going c) will d) will be going
21. Don’t pick up the phone. I …………….. it
a) answer b) am answering c) will answer d) am going to answer
22. I …………….. if I don’t get a pay rise.
a) 'll resign b) resign c) am rosining d) would resign
23. After I have studied, I …………….. TV.
a) am going to watch b) will watch c) watch d) am watching
24. The film …………….. at 7.30.
a) would start b) starts c) is starting d) is started
25. We won’t start the meeting until you …………….. .
a) arrive b) had arrived c) will arrive d) arrives
26. He…………….. toAswan tomorrow. He’s got his ticket
a) 's traveling b) travels c) 'd travel d) 'll travel
27. I…………….. the car for you.
a) clean b) am cleaning c) have been cleaning d) 'll clean
28. I( will have driven –am going to drive-’ll be driving –will drive)to the airport at 4 o’clock tomorrow.
a) results b) damage c) effects d) problems
29. Would you like fish or chicken? - I think I…………….. chicken.
a) 'll have b) am having c) am going to have d) have
30. Are you …………….. tennis after school today?
a) plays b) played c) playing d) play
Find The mistakes in the following sentences:
1. Are you play tennis after school today?
2. By the age of 25, I expect I am going to finish my studies.
3. It's arranged .We will be going to the Red sea this summer.
4. I think my brother is going to be a doctor.
5. What have you doing at the weekend?
6. Do you think you are passing the test?
7. Omar's wife is pregnant. He will have a baby.
8. this heavy bag, please?
9. It is predicted that Egypt exports more goods next year.
10. I hope you are visiting me in my home one day.
11. I can't answer the phone at the moment. I do the washing up.
12. I shoot you if you come any closer.
13. The traffic is terrible. We miss our flight.
14. The match is ending at 4.30 this afternoon.
15. Don't come at 4 o'clock tomorrow. I sleep then.
16. Perhaps I am seeing him tomorrow.
17. She intends to visiting her aunt next Friday.
18. As soon as he meet his friend, he will go to the theatre.
19. She won't go shopping when she has dusted the furniture.
20. The shirt is fashionable; I would buy it soon.
21. I would call the police if don't stop this noise.
22. I think he crash. He is driving in a crazy way.
23. He travel to Paris tomorrow. He's got the ticket.
24. Football is an individual sport.
25. You should cooperate with other players to score a lot of ends.
26. Players should play well to win the other teams.
27. I think I buy this watch.
28. I expect that our team must win the match.
29. The film shall start at 7 p.m. tomorrow evening.
30. The water is boiling – I am going to turn the gas off.
31. It will rain. The sky's looking very dark.
32. They leave for London tomorrow. They've arranged everything.
33. If you don't do your homework, you shall be punished.
34. From 5 to 6 tomorrow, I am studying English.
35. I'm going build a house.
36. Perhaps she would visit us tomorrow.
37. There are black clouds in the sky . It will rain heavily.
38. A: Will we have a party ? B - It's a good idea .
39. Someone is at the door. I am going to answer it.
40. Suzan shall be 22 next Friday .
41. The plane is going to land at 7,15 a.m.
42. Will I help you cross the street ?.
43. It's hot. I'm going to open the window.
44. I will be washing the car for you , sir.
45. Shall you lend me some money ?
46. There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. It will sink.
Exam on Unit 1
A- Language Functions
1- Respond to the following situations:
1) Someone says that space exploration is too expensive. You agree
2) Someone says that computers are a bad thing. You do not have the same opinion.
3) One of your friends says he thinks walking in space would be very frightening. You think he's right
4) You hear someone say that all astronauts are very rich. You know this is not true.
2- Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are: (June, 2009)
1. A : Can you show me where I can try this dress on?
B : The fitting rooms are on the left over there
2. A : How long have you been feeling unwell?
B : Since Sunday
A : Well, you need to take one of these tablets
3 times a day.
B- Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
1. Millions of people watched the rocket …………..on TV. –
a) start b) launch c) set off d) beginning
2. The medicine I am taking is wonderful. It has no side (results – damage – effects – problems).
a) results b) damage c) effects d) problems
3. I expect …………..you at the weekend.
a) I'm going to see b) I'll see c) I'm seeing d) I see
4. The film …………..at 7.30 this evening.
a) is starting b) is going to start c) starts d) has started
5. The mechanic …………..the engine for damage.
a) examined b) explained c) extended d) looked
6. There was a …………..in the water pipe and I had to have it fixed.
a) brake b) leak c) lake d) fake
7. Our air conditioning has broken down, but someone is coming to …………..it tomorrow.
a) prepare b) impair c) despair d) repair
8. Computer passwords should always be …………... You should never tell anyone.
a) known b) public c) secret d) distributed
9. The astronauts went on a two–hour space …………..to replace a broken fuel pump.
a) walk b) talk c) swim d) jump
10. Some drivers have a sat-nav…………..in their car to help them find the best route.
a) order b) stick c) system d) string
11. A: This year I'm going on holiday with my family to Italy. B: I'm sure you …………..it.
a) will enjoy b) enjoy c) are enjoying d) have enjoyed
12. A: Are you leaving this evening? B: Yes, my train …………..at 7.15.
a) is going to leave b) leaves c) will leave d) has left
13. A: Have you made any arrangements for next week?
B: Yes, …………..a friend from Cairo on Monday.
a) I'll meet b) meet c) I'm meeting d) I have met
14. A: Do you have any plans for the weekend.
B: I …………..Professor Ali on Saturday morning.
a) meet b) 'm going to meet c) 'll meet d) would meet
15. A: I'm going on holiday to Europe this October. Should I take an umbrella? B: Yes, it …………...
a) will probably rain b) is probably raining
c) probably d) has probably rained
16. I …………... some relatives next Monday. It's already arranged.
a) visit b) going to visit c) am visiting d) would visit
4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1) The doctor exchanged me carefully before he gave me the medicine.
2) The rocket is going to reach the moon on Tuesday. Everyone watched the lunch on TV.
3) Space fissions can take several years.
4) I travel to Greece next Monday. Everything is arranged.
5) Next Wednesday, my Physics exam is starting at 8.00 a.m.
6) I think my brother is a doctor. He's very clever.
C- Reading Comprehension
5- Read the following passage and then answer the questions: (June, 2009)
Eat healthy food and have a healthy body. Now, we know that there is also healthy food for your brain. Eat healthy food and have a healthy mind. New research clearly shows the link between diet and mental health.
There has been a campaign to improve school meals. A head teacher of a school banned junk food and started serving healthy food. This research shows that the students' behaviour in class has been a lot better. They became calmer and they learn and concentrate more.
A mental health foundation (M.H.F) has started a campaign "Feeding Minds" to publicize its own research. This research shows that our diets have changed a lot and the level of mental illness has increased, unhealthy diet can cause depression and insomnia.
The last part of the research concerns the Mediterranean diet. Scientists knew that this diet (fruit, vegetables, fish and olive oil) helps you live longer. It also prevents a serious mental disease "Alzheimer" that affects the elderly.
So, what does this research suggest to you? To improve your memory, eat salmon. To fight insomnia, eat nuts. If depression is a problem, eat brown rice. If you worry about your later years, cook with olive oil.
A. Answer the following questions:
1- What is the main idea of the passage?
2- Mention the campaigns' targets of the school and the MHF?
3- What does the underlined word "they" refer to?
B. Choose the correct answer:
4- The following diseases are all mental except -------------------.
a) Alzheimer b) Depression
c) Insomnia d) Blood Pressure
5- The Mediterranean diet includes-------------------------
a) junk food b) meat and rice
c) fast food d) fish and olive oil
6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
My advice about learning to drive would be to have proper lessons from a qualified instructor and never to let a friend or family member try to teach you. It's a guaranteed way to spoil a good relationship. Every Sunday, when the traffic was quieter, my father would pick me up and take me for a drive along the streets of our hometown and give me a lecture on how to drive, explaining everything he was doing and why. Eventually it was my turn to have a go. My dad was so nervous that he panicked before I'd even started up the engine. He used to shout at the slightest mistake, and when the lesson was finally over, he came home and had a large glass of juice to calm down.
Answer the following questions:
1-According to the writer, who is the best person to teach you how to drive?
2-What do you think about the writer's father?
3-Find words in the passage which mean:
a) felt very frightened
b) having suitable knowledge, experience or skills
Choose the correct answer:
4-The underlined word he refers to ------------------.
a) the writer b) the instructor
c) the writer's father d) the writer's friend
5-The writer's father used to teach him how to drive --------------------.
a) once a week b) every Monday
c) twice a month d) every day
D- The Novel
7) (A) Answer the following questions:
1) When did Leila feel a shiver down her back?
2) What was amazing about the Incas?
3) Why was Dr Hafez looking for a Chimu king’s tomb?
B) Read the following quotation. then answer the questions
“I sighed. I wasn’t in Peru any more. I was home.”
1) Who said this to whom?
2) Why did the speaker go to Peru?
3) What made the speaker realize that he / she was home?
C) Complete the following sentences:
1) Beside Leila’s bed, there was a photo of……………………..
2) Unlike Leila, Samira………………………………………
3) Archaeologists in Egypt develop……………………………………
D- Writing
8- Write a paragraph of about 100 words about: (June, 2009)
"How has the internet affected our lives?"
E- Translation
9- A) Translate into Arabic: (June, 2009)
Many studies have shown that it is better to wear your seat belt when you are driving a car. Seat belts greatly reduce the risk of death or injury in accidents. This fact is widely recognized and many governments have passed laws requiring seat belt use.
B) Translate into English:
1) يسعي العالم جاهدا لاكتشاف علاج لأنفلونزا الخنازير.
2) نحتاج الي التكنولوجيا الحديثة لكي تساعدنا في حل الكثير من المشكلات مثل التغير المناخي والاحتباس الحراري.