English-Chapter3| Vocabulary | موقع كايرو دار | لغة انجليزية

English-Chapter3| Vocabulary  | موقع كايرو دار | لغة انجليزية

للصف الثالث الثانوى

English-Chapter3| Vocabulary  | موقع كايرو دار | لغة انجليزية

للصف الثالث الثانوى

Liquid (n./adj.) سائل / في شكل سائل Hydroelectric power الطاقة الكهرومائية
Molten منصهر Pressure الضغط
Nuclear نووي Atom الذرة
Pipe(n. / v.) أنبوب / ينقل بالأنابيب Fossil fuel وقود حفري
Power station محطة للطاقة Generate يوًلد
Wind turbine توربين يعمل بقوة الرياح waste نفايات / فضلات
Coal الفحم Natural gas الغاز الطبيعي
Renewable متجدد Generation توليد / جيل
Atomic / nuclear ذري / نووي Nuclear power الطاقة النووية
Geo- = earth مقطع بمعني الأرض Thermal = heat حرارة
Geothermal حرارة الأرض Surface السطح
Steam البخار Electricity الكهرباء
Create pollution يسبب تلوث Drill يحفر
Sugar cane قصب السكر Vegetables خضروات
Palm trees أشجار النخيل Corn الحبوب
Beans الفول Straight مستقيم / معتدل
Diesel زيت الديزل Forms of energy أشكال الطاقة
Vehicles مركبات Types = sorts = kinds أنواع
Straighten يسوي / يمهد Save energy يوفر الطاقة
Sail يبحر Amount = quantity كمية
Clean energy الطاقة النظيفة Pollute the environment يلوث البيئة
Split ينشطر Safe آمن
Recycling إعادة الاستخدام Public transport المواصلات العامة
Nuclear power station محطة للطاقة النووية Sources of energy مصادر الطاقة
Alternatives بدائل Workplaces أماكن العمل
Environmentalists خبراء البيئة Extinction الانقراض
Become extinct يصبح منقرضاَ Gas/petrol station محطة بنزين
Countdown عد تنازلي Harness يُسخر / يستخدم / يستغل
Central heating التدفئة المركزية Damage ضرر / تلف
Cooking الطهي Lighting الإضاءة
Lightning البرق fine غرامة / يُغرم
Economic problems مشكلات اقتصادية A device جهاز / أداة
Capture يستولي علي / يأسر Sat-nav systems أجهزة أو نظم ملاحية تستخدم الأقمار الصناعية
Extremely للغاية Electric bulb مصباح كهربي
Springs ينابيع مياه Tower برج
Smart car سيارة ذكية Introduction مقدمة
Science fiction الخيال العلمي Conclusion استنتاج / خاتمة
directions اتجاهات / تعليمات Introduce يُقدم
Destination جهة الوصول / مقصد Conclude يستنتج / يختم
Speed bump مطب لتخفيف السرعة Materials مواد
Traditional تقليدي Blade ريشة المروحة / نصل
Extensively علي نطاق واسع Thunder الرعد
Store يُخزن Industry الصناعة
LakeNasser بحيرة ناصر Company = firm شركـة
Incredible لا يُصدًق Push يدفع / يضغط
Impressed منبهر / متأثر cyclist راكب دراجة
Pump to the surface يضخ إلي السطح On the earth's surface علي سطح الأرض
Below the earth's surface تحت سطح الأرض In molten form في شكل منصهر
Be connected to متصل بـ Come up يصعد لأعلي
In other ways بطرق أخري Turn into يتحول إلي
Do without = dispense with يستغني عن Rely on = depend on يعتمد علي
Last for يستمر لمدة Dangerous to خطير علي
Instead of بدلا من Afford to + inf. لديه ما يكفي من المال لـ
Make use of يستفيد من / يستغل Develop new forms of يطور أشكالاَ جديدة من
Do a survey into يقوم بدراسة أو استطلاع رأي في At the weekend في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع
At a high speed بسرعة عالية Be produced from يُنتًج من
Supply .. with يُزود ..بـ Go through يمر من خلال
Along the Red Sea بمحاذاة البحر الأحمر Sail ships يُوجه أو يُسير السفن
Generate electricity يُولد الكهرباء Take part in يشارك في
Something goes wrong with خطأ أو عطل يحدث في Along the motorway علي طول الطريق السريع
Connect to the internet يتصل بالانترنت In this way وبهذه الطريقة
Drive on the road يقود السيارة علي الطريق All over the world في كل انحاء العالم
Useful for drivers مفيد للسائقين Forward للأمام / يُرسل
Language Notes
Renewable fuels (will last forever) Non-renewable fuels (will run out)
The wind Fossil fuels
Water (hydro electricity) Oil
The sun(solar energy) Coal
Nuclear energy Natural gas
Geothermal energy
تستخدم المقاطع (البادئة) في أول بعض الكلمات وتعطي معني النفي
non / in / un / dis
الكلمة وعكسها
Renewable Non-renewable
Fiction Non-fiction
Expensive In-expensive
Correct In-correct
Agree Dis-agree
Appear Dis-appear
Happy Unhappy
Thinkable Unthinkable
 لاحظ أن كلمة invaluable معناها very valuableوليس العكس أما العكس فهو valuless
 وأن كلمة flammable و inflammable لهما نفس المعني وهو "قابل للاشتعال" أما العكس فهو non-flammable
Like / enjoy -----------best/most
►Which school subject do you like most? ►I like English best.
Most= nearly all / almost all
•Moststudents passed the test. = Nearly all students passed the test
•most = very •I'm mostinterested in languages.
•the most + adj.
•The computer is the most important invention in the 20th century.
•Make the most of = يحقق أقصي استفادة من
•He gave me advice on how to make the most of my computer.
Special (= not ordinary) من نوع خاص/ متميز
Special care رعاية خاصة , special attentionاهتمام خاص
•The government gives special care to reclaiming the desert.
•This is a special kindof cloth.
private تفيد الملكية(opposite: public عام)
a private school مدرسة خاصة a private hospital مستشفي خاص
•This is my private life. You have no right to interfere.يتدخل.
•لاحظ استخدام صفة بعد How والاسم بعد What
●How + adj. = What+n.
●How old …?= What age…?
●How tall…?= What height…?ما طول/ارتفاع
●How long…?= What length…?
●Howbig…? =What size…? ●Howwide…? =What width…?
●Howfar …? = What distance …?●How high…? = What height…?
 another + اسم مفرد يعد/ one (= one more / a different one)
►This tea is nice. I’d like another cup.
►He lost his job. He’s trying to find another one.
 another + (few / number : two, three,….)
►The woman lived for another ten days.
► I’d like to stay here for another few weeks.
 other + اسم جمع يعد/ (و أحيانا اسم لا يعد)
►I need to discuss this with other colleagues.
► There was certainly other information. ( لا تجمع)
 others + v. يمكن أن تأتى في نهاية الجملة
►Some people are rich; othersالبعض الأخر are poor.
► Some writers are greater than othersالآخرين.
•في حالة وجود أحد الكلمات الآتية the / some / every / each / many / any / no / (two, three,..) يستخدم بعدها other :
►Please, John, bring the other chairs here.
► I love my son like any othermother does.
► He gave me one book and kept the otherone.
► Steven and three otherboys went to the party.
 As well as + v. + ing.
►As well as doing the shopping, he visited some friends.
 It doesn't matter + what / who / why /who /when etc. + جملة
►It doesn't matter what you wear, as long as you look neat and tidy.
 Stop + someone / something from + ing.
►This device stops drivers from driving too fast.
Words often confused
۩Find / found / foundيجد ۩Found / founded / founded يؤسس
•Researchers are hoping to find a cure for the disease.
•The town was founded by English settlers.
•Their marriage was founded on love and mutual respect. الاحترام المتبادل
۩moltenمنصهر (تُستخدم مع المواد التي تنصهر عند درجة حرارة عالية جدا مثل المعادن والصخورَ)
۩melted/غير متجمد / منصهرmeltedchocolate/meltedbutter
۩useيستخدم ۩useupيستهلك /يستنفد ۩usedمستعمل
•Can I use your phone?.
• We used up all the sugar. We need to buy some. • He bought a used car.
۩leaveيُغادر (مكان) ۩leaveforيُغادر متجها إلي / يذهب إلي
•He left the house by the back door.
• He left for London yesterday.
•Your letter arrived yesterday. • She was the last to arrive.
۩arrivein(Cairo, London, Italy) يصل إلي مدينة كبيرة / عاصمة / دولة
•We arrived in New York at 6 p.m.
۩arriveat(school / the station/ theairport…)
•We arrived at school early.
۩reach(T) + مفعول
• We reached New York at 6 p.m.لا يستخدم معها حرف جر
۩reachadecisionيصللقرار/ a conclusionيتوصللنتيجة
•They were unable to reach a decision.
• لاحظ الجمع الشاذ للأسماء الآتية:
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Oasis واحة Oases Crisis أزمة Crises Phenomena ظاهرة Phenomenon
Basis أساس Bases Child Children Man Men
Woman Women Foot Feet Tooth Teeth
Mouse Mice Goose Geese Person People
Interviewer : Doctor Zaki , I have heard that we get energy from rocks under the earth. Could you explain how for our listeners?
Dr. Zaki : Yes, of course, We get energy from the heat inside the earth. This is known as geothermalenergy. " Geo" means earth and " thermal" means heat.
Interviewer : But rocks are cold, aren't they?
Dr.Zaki : Not all rocks are cold. Below the surface of the earth , thepressure is so great that rocks are in a very hot , liquidform. We say that these rocks are molten.
Interviewer : I see. (understand)
Dr.Zaki : The molten rock heats underground lakes of water. Sometimes , steam is produced like this . When the hot water comes up through a hole in the earth's surface, that is when we get hot springs.
Interviewer : Is that like the hot water that comesup in the Siwa Oasis?
Dr. Zaki
: That is right.
Interviewer : That is very interesting . But I don't understand how we can use energy from these molten rocks.
Dr.Zaki : Well , using today's technology , we will drill deep below the earth's surface into underground lakes of hot water. This water is then pumped to the surface and is heated again to make steam. The steam is then piped to a power station where it is connected to machines which produce electricity.
Interviewer : That is incredible. So we do this already?
Dr. Zaki : Yes, there are geothermalpowerstations that produce as much energy as two large coal power stations.
Interviewer : Well doctor , thank you for talking to us about this very interesting subject.
Dr. Zaki : It has been a pleasure.

Nothing can live withoutenergy. People, animals and plants need energy to live and machines need energy to work. Today, most of the energy we use still comes from fossil fuels like coal oil and gas, which have been formed underground over millions of years. We call these non-renewable forms of energy because they can only be used once. Because of this, we need to reduce our use of non-renewable fuels and use more renewable forms of energy like those from the sun, wind or geothermal energy.
For centuries, the wind has been used to sail ships and to pump water. Now it is used to produce electricity. Groups of wind turbines along the Red Sea in Egyptgenerate large amounts of electricity. Water is also a renewable form of energy. Huge quantities of water go through the High Dam at Aswan from LakeNasser. This hydroelectric power supplies Egyptwith a lot of its electricity. As well as being inexpensive to produce, this clean energy does not pollute the environment.
Other countries depend on nuclear power - power produced when atoms split. However, nuclear power produces dangerous waste which must be stored for thousands of years before it is safe. Accidents at nuclear power stations are extremely dangerous to people's health ! to the environment.
Energy from the sun is probably the best form of renewable energy. Scientists believe that the sun's energy will last for another five billion years. This energy can now be captured and stored.
It is important for us to save energy in our homes and workplaces in order to stop using up non-renewable sources of energy.
Exercises on vocabulary
Choose the correct answer:
1) Nothing can live …………. energy.
a) with b) of c) without d) about
2) The sun's energy will ………….for another five billion years.
a) lost b) least c) last d) lease
3) It is ………….for us to save energy in our homes and workplaces.
a) silly b) ridiculous c) important d) inessential
4) …………. power supplies Egypt with a lot of its electricity.
a) Hydroelectric b) Solar c) Wind d) Lunar
5) Most of the energy we use today comes from …………. fuels like coal, oil and natural gas.
a) fission b) split c) fossil d) electric
6) Coal, oil and natural gas are …………. forms of energy.
a) durable b) renewable c) arable d)non renewable
7) Coal, oil and natural gas have been …………. underground over millions of years.
a) formed b) framed c) famed d) fried
8) As well as …………. inexpensive, hydroelectric power does not pollute the environment.
a) is b) are c) be d) being
9) Nuclear power is produced when atoms …………..
a) spit b) spelt c) split d) spilt
10) Accidents at nuclear power stations are extremely …………..
a) safe b) dangerous c) useful d) pleasant
11) We should all try to stop using …………. non-renewable sources of energy.
a) on b) for c) to d) up
12) For centuries, the wind has been used to …………. ships.
a) sell b) sail c) steal d) stay
13) Machines need energy to …………..
a) work b) spend c) spoil d) strike
14) Renewable forms of energy can only be …………..
a) twice b) three times c) once d) forever
15) It takes …………. energy to reuse materials than to make new ones.
a) more b) the same c) less d) too much
16) Wind …………. can generate electricity.
a) turbines b) machines c) devices d) instruments
17) We get energy from the ………….inside the earth.
a) cold b) heat c) ice d) water
18) Below the earth, the pressure is so great that rocks are …………..
a) frozen b) solid c) molten d) cold
19) …………. energy is better for the environment than energy produced by traditional power stations.
a) Geothermal b) Geographical c) Biographical d) Geological
20) We need to increase our use of renewable forms of energy because we are running …………. fossil fuels.
a) into b) away c) out of d) out
21) Energy from the sun will last …………. billions of years.
a) on b) with c) for d) up
22) Burying ………….in the ground can damage the environment.
a) waste b) taste c) waist d) post
23) Modern wind ………… are tall towers which are built where there is a lot of wind.
a) headlines b) deadlines c) landmines d) turbines
24) Many countries are now using more ………….forms of energy from the sun and wind.
a) renewable b)non renewable c) avoidable d) believable
25) Fossil fuels like oil and gas are found …………. the ground.
a) between b) under c) above d) next to
26) Power stations …………. electricity.
a) destroy b) damage c) generate d) bury
27) We can all do very simple things to …………. energy.
a) waste b) pollute c) send d) save
28) We need to………….our use of non-renewable fuels and use more renewable forms.
a) produce b) introduce c) deduce d) reduce
29) I'd like to extend my stay in Britain for …………. two months.
a) others b) the others c) another d) each other
30) I don't like this shirt. Can you give me …………. one?
a) another b) other c) others d) the others
31) …………. length is the River Nile?
a) How b) What c) How much d) How many
32) I don't expect …………. treatment - I just want to be treated fairly.
a) private b) ordinary c) usual d) special
33) A ………….is a substance such as water.
a) liquid b) solid c) gas d) rock
34) A power ………….is a building where electricity is made.
a) location b) destination c) station d) combination
35) To ………….is to send a liquid or gas through a pipe to another place.
a) ripe b) bribe c) dive d) pipe
36) Hydroelectric means using …………. to produce electricity.
a) oil b) the sun c) the wind d) water
37) Wind turbines have parts which are ………….by the wind.
a) stopped b) turned c) switched d) twisted
38) Fossil fuels have taken millions of years …………..
a) forming b) formed c) to form d) form
39) The gas is stored under …………..
a) pleasure b) treasure c) measure d) pressure
40) Electricity …………. from wind and wave power is safe.
a) graduation b) generation c)communication d) pressure
Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- Hydroelectric power does not pollinate the environment.
2- We should make greater use of the sun as a frame of energy in the future.
3- If you need another information, please call me.
4- Fossil fuels are founded under the ground.
5- Scientists are looking for other series of energy.
6- Geophysical energy is the energy we get from the heat inside the earth.
7- Doctors are under increasing pleasure to work longer hours.
8- We used for all the bread. Could you buy some when you go out?
9- A lot of countries depend of nuclear power.
10- I have a bath every another day.
11- He arrived school at 7.30.
12- It isn't matter what you do, as long as you don't harm others.
13- Don't use off all the milk, we need some for the cake.
14- Some people are more cooperative than another.
15- How much is it from here to Cairo? – About 400 km.
Language Functions
Showing Surprise or Interest
Asking for information السؤال عن معلومات Giving information إعطاء معلومات
Excuse me, Can I ask you some questions about..? Yes, of course.
Can / Could you tell me .........? Yes, that's fine..
Do you know anything about.......? Yes, certainly.
Does that mean ..........?
I'd rather not answer that question.
في حالة عدم الرغبة في الإجابة عن سؤال
Thank you for your time. (You're welcome في حالة الرد)
How do you usually (go to school)? I usually …
What does "…" mean? It means.. / You can look it up in the dictionary.
Respond to the following situations:
1- You are doing a survey about energy, you would like to ask someone some questions . Explain the situation.
2- You want to know about your friend's energy saving habits.
3- You don't understand "hydroelectric" what do you ask?
4- Someone asks you how you usually travel school everyday.
5- You're asked to give a detailed description for geothermal energy.
6- You give an idea for recycling plan.
7- You give your pen friend an account of types of energy used in Egypt.
8- Make a prediction of the future sources of energy .
9- Your friend predicts that we'll use dust as a fuel .what's your impression.

Grammar Study
Present Simple: Active and Passive
• يستخدم للتعبير عن حدث متكرر أو عادة :
•Scientists do experiments in laboratories. •Insects harmcrops.
•يستخدم للتعبير عن حقيقة :
•Water freezes to ice at a temperature of 0°C. •The sun rises in the east.
• يستخدم المضارع البسيط في حالة طلب أو إعطاء التعليمات و الاتجاهات :
•How doI get to the station? You go straight on, then you turn left.
• عادة يضاف s/es للفعل مع he / she / it :
visit visits watch watches
•تستخدم الظروف الدالة علي التكرار (adverbs of frequency) قبل كل الأفعال و بعد To Be . و الظروف الدالة علي التكرار هي:
•I always brush my teeth before I go to bed. •She oftenplays the piano.
• He is alwayslate.
•الظروف الدالة علي الزمنadverbs of time تأتي إما في بداية الجملة أو نهايتها
•We play tennis every Friday. •Every Friday we play tennis.
• لاحظ استخدام فعل do كفعل أساسي :
• He does his homework once a week. •How often does he do his homework?
• تستخدم don't / doesn't / never في حالة نفي المضارع :
• He studies hard. •He doesn'tstudy hard.
• He never studies hard.
• و يمكن أن يستخدم المضارع البسيط مع الظروف الدالة علي الزمن و الكلمات الآتية :
•Do you ever go to school on Friday? •She frequently visits the Pyramids.
• تستخدمdo / does في حالة السؤال عن المضارع البسيط ويكون الفعل في المصدر :
•Do you speak English? •Does she play tennis?
 المضارع البسيط في صيغة المبنى للمجهول
•Somebody cleans this room every day. •This room is cleaned every day.
الأفعال التي لا يأتي معها مفعول لا تُستخدم في المبني للمجهول مثل:
•Heat and light come from the sun. •A strange thing happened yesterday.
 لاحظ صياغة الأسئلة التالية في المضارع البسيط:
۩Where do you come from? = Which country do you come from? للسؤال عن الجنسية
I come from England/ Italy…
۩ What's your nationality? جنسية I'm English/ Italian.
۩ What do you do? = What's your job? = What do you do for a living?
I'm a teacher.
۩ Where do you live? = What's your address?
15 Lincoln Street, New York.
 يستخدم المضارع البسيط (أو المضارع التام) بعد الروابط الآتية والفعل الثاني يكون مستقبل أو أمر :
After I write the letter, I’llgoout.
Before he goes to bed, he willhave dinner.
As soon as she has received the fax, she will travel to Rangoon.
We’llleave the moment we get the car fixed.
 She won’t go to the bank until she gets the cheque..
• First she will take some exercise. Then she will use the computer. (After/Before/until)
After she finishes the book, she willlend it to me.
Before she uses the computer, she willtake some exercise.
She won’tuse the computer until she takes some exercise.
 لاحظ أنه يمكن استخدام فعل أمر بدلا من المستقبل البسيط :
• After you finish your work, call me.
• Before you go to bed, turn off the lights.
Present Continuous Tense
Key words:
•She is playingthe piano now. •I am writing a report at the moment.
 لاحظ عدم استخدام هذه الأفعال في الأزمنة المستمرة:
love يحب like يحب hate يكره
want يريد need يحتاج deserve يستحق
mean يعنى understand يفهم believe يصدق
contain يحوى consist يتكون know يعرف
see يرى hear يسمع smell يشم
recognize يتعرف على realize يدرك surprise يفاجئ
seem يبدو possess يمتلك own يمتلك
concern يهم/يتعلق بـ matter يهم lack ينقص
weigh يزن measure يقيس agree يوافق
think يعتقد Notice يلاحظ forgive يسامح
prefer يفضل remember يتذكر taste يكون لها مذاق
suppose يفترض belong يخص astonish يدهش
depend يعتمد owe يدين be يكون
 بعض الأفعال الواردة في الجدول السابق لهامعني آخر مختلف واذا جاءت في الجملة بهذا المعني ، يمكن استخدامها في المضارع المستمر:
•I'm thinking of going out tonight.
•She is seeing her doctor this afternoon.
•They are having lunch at the moment.
•She is tasting the soup to see if it is ready.
 في حالة السؤال عن المضارع المستمر:
•Is she doing the homework now?
•Are they painting the house at the moment?
 معني الجملة أحيانا يدل علي المضارع المستمر
► Hurry up! We are all waiting for you.
► Be quiet. I am studyingmy lessons.
 الفعلان feel / hurt يمكن أن يُستخدما في المضارع المستمر أو المضارع البسيط:
►How do you feel? / How are you feeling?
►My head hurts. / My head ishurting.
 المضارع المستمر في صيغة المبنى للمجهول
•Somebody is cleaning the room. =The room is being cleaned.
 لاحظ حذف حرف e قبل إضافة ing:
invite inviting write writing
 ويشذ عن ذلك فعلdye بمعني يصبغ :
•She is dyeing her hair.
 الأفعال ذات المقطع الواحد وتنتهي بحرف ساكن يسبقه متحرك نُضاعف فيها الحرف الأخير قبل إضافةing :
hit hitting sit sitting
dig digging run running
They are digging a well at the moment.
 ولاحظ أيضا مضاعفة الحرف الأخير في الأفعال الآتية قبل إضافة ing: :
prefer preferring refer referringbegin beginning
Exercises on Grammar:
Choose the correct answer:
1- In many countries, the wind ……….. to generate electricity.
a) use b) uses c) is using d) is used
2- Scientists ……….. to find more forms of renewable energy.
a) want b) wants c) are wanting d) are being wanted
3- Huge amounts of electricity ……….. in nuclear power stations.
a) is produced b) produce c) are produced d) are producing
4- Holes ……….. into the earth to find hot water.
a) drill b) is drilled c) will drill d) are drilled
5- In some cities, rubbish ……….. to produce electricity.
a) burn b) burns c) is burnt d) is burring
6- Water ……….. to turn it into steam.
a) heat b) is heated c) are heated d) is heating
7- The steam ……….. to a power station.
a) is piped b) pipes c) is piping d) are piped
8- Electricity ……….. from the water in the power station.
a) produces b) is producing c) is produced d) produce
9- Electricity is sometimes ……….. from wind turbines.
a) to make b) making c) makes d) made
10- In many parts of the world, wood ……….. to heat people's homes.
a) burns b) is burnt c) is burning d) to burn
11- Plants and trees ……….. for different purpose.
a) are used b) are using c) will be using d) use
12- She often ……….. at the weekend.
a) is working b) works c) was working d) work
13- We ……….. palm trees to produce vegetable oil.
a) use b) are used c) will be used d) is used
14- Sugar cane is ……….. and used to make fuel for cars and other vehicles.
a) grow b) growing c) to grow d) grown
15- We ……….. different types of energy in Egypt today.
a) ar3e used b) use c) using d) to use
16- He ……….. to the boss right now.
a) talks b) is talked c) is talking d) was talking
17- As soon as he ……….. doing the job, he will see a movie.
a) finish b) finished c) finishes d) to finish
18- She ………..until she receives a phone call.
a) won't leave b) didn't leave c) wouldn't have left d) not leaves
19- Be quiet! I ……….. to the news.
a) listen b) have listened c) was listened d) am listening
20- He ……….. very happy now.
a) is seeming b) seem c) was seeming d) seeming
Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- I'm thinking he is English.
2- Water is boiling at 100 °C.
3- He can't speak to you just now. He has a shower.
4- Is this watch belonging to Ahmed?
5- Oil finds far beneath the earth.
6- Are you wanting to speak to him now?
7- How often is she going to the club?
8- What is your father doing? –He's an engineer.
9- Wood uses to make paper.
10- My office cleans every day.
11- Where is he coming from? – England.
12- I am owing him 50 pounds. I'll pay it back next week.
13- This place rarely visits by anyone.
14- Things aren't always what they are appeared to be.
15- When she is meeting him, she will tell him the truth.
Exam on Unit 3
A- Language Functions
1- Respond to the following situations:
1) You are doing a survey about energy in your town. You would like to ask someone some questions. Explain the situation.
2) You want to know about a friend's energy-saving habits. What do you ask?
3) You hear someone use a word you do not understand. The word is "hydroelectric". What do you ask?
4) Someone asks you how you usually travel to school every day. How do you reply?
2- Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are: (June, 2009)
1. A : How old is this mummy?
B : It's about 4000 years old.
A : How would you like to pay for this suit, sir?
B : By credit card
A : Well. Shall I put it in a bag for you, sir?
B : Yes, please.
B- Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
1. You send a liquid or gas through a ………….. to move it to another place.
a) pipe b) hole c) type d) bump
2. Electricity is produced in a ………….. station.
a) tower b) Flour c) Poser d) Sour
3. ………….. is the force produced when two things push against each other.
a) Pressure b) Friction c) Treasure d) Leisure
4. …………..is a hard black fossil fuel from underground.
a) Diesel b) Oil c) Petrol d) Coal
5. When atoms are split, ………….. energy is produced.
a) nuclear b) hydroelectric c) solar d) biological
6. If you make rock or metal very hot, it becomes …………...
a) melted b) solidified c) frozen d) molten
7. Water is the ………….. form of ice.
a) liquid b) gaseous c) solid d) hard
8. Water passing through a dam produces ………….. power.
a) atmospheric b) phosphoric c) hydroelectric d) prehistoric
9. The buses ………….. less frequently on Sundays.
a) are running b) runs c) run d) running
10. He usually ………….. home about 6 o'clock.
a) gets b) is getting c) has got d) to get
11. Your health ………….. generally good, but you do have a few minor problems.
a) has been b) is c) had been d) are
12. He ………….. at the moment.
a) waters b) has watered c) is watering d) had watered
13. As soon as he ………….. the cheque, he will pay his debt.
a) gets b) had got c) will get d) is getting
14. I …………..everything now.
a) understood b)understand c) am understanding d) was understanding
15. After he ………….. the shopping, he will visit a friend.
a) do b) is doing c) has done d) had one
16. Trees are sometimes ………….. down in the night.
a) blow b) blew c) blown d) blows
4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1) She is being in London now.
2) His house is heating by the sun.
3) We are used petrol in our cars.
4) Wind turbines along the Red Sea in Egypt exaggerate large amounts of electricity.
5) Nuclear power produces dangerous waist.
6) Energy from the sun is the best form of readable energy.
C- Reading Comprehension
5- Read the following passage and then answer the questions: (June, 2009)
Picture the scene: a young woman is walking to her car in a multi - storey car park late at night. Suddenly, a man jumps out at her from behind a column. She performs some fancy moves, kicks him and while he is on the floor, she jumps into her car and drives away unharmed.
This scenario should teach you three important things: real life is nothing like in films; never walk alone at night whether you are a man or a woman, and most importantly use your brain and not your body to defend yourself against an attack.
Staying safe is all about not putting yourself in a dangerous situation. Avoid a potential attack before it happens by using your common sense. This means don't go out alone at night, stay in well lit areas, make sure someone always knows where you are, walk with confidence and carry a mobile phone with you. Basically, don't make yourself a target. Attackers look for people who are vulnerable.
If you do find yourself in a dangerous situation, where you are being threatened, try and defuse it. That is, try not to make the situation worse by trying to fight. The best defence is to remove yourself from the situation. Calmly walk away, run as fast as you can, or eventually you can use your force.
A. Answer the following questions:
1) What is the writer's purpose in writing this text ?
2) What precautions should we take to avoid dangerous situations ?
3) What does the writer mean by: "common sense"
4) How should a person react when he feels threatened ?
B. Choose the correct answer:
5) Attackers look for people who -------------.
a) have mobile phones. b) are confident.
c) are aware of their surroundings. d) are easy targets.
6) You may use your physical force -----------------------.
a) at the beginning of the attack b) as a second solution
c) at the end of the attack d) after you run away
7) A person who is unable to protect himself is ----------------------.
a) potential b) lazy c) defenseless d) unharmed
6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
It was a very foggy day in London. Mr. Smith arrived from Edinburgh to go to a very important meeting, but no buses or taxis were running because of the fog. It was nine o'clock and his meeting was at ten, so he thought he would walk to the office where it was going to be. But nobody was even trying to walk anywhere.
While he was standing there, a young man came up to him and said, "Sir, if you want to go somewhere, I can guide you."
Mr. Smith was surprised and said, "How can you find the way in this fog?"
"Don't worry, sir," answered the man. So Mr. Smith told the young man where he wanted to go. They walked quite fast. At last Mr. Smith thought, "Perhaps this man is mad, or a thief." But a minute later, the young man stopped and said, "Here is the place, sir." Mr. Smith was surprised to find that he reached the office. He gave the young man a pound and then said, "How did you find the way in the fog?"
"I'm blind, sir," answered the young man, "but I know London well, and it is exactly the same in the fog"
Answer the following questions:
1) Why couldn't Mr. Smith find a bus or taxi?
2) What do you think of the blind man?
3) What does the underlined word it refer to?
Choose the correct answer:
4) The meeting was going to be in …………...
a) Edinburgh b) Scotland c) London d) Glasgow
5) Mr. Smith rewarded the blind man by.
a) walking with him b) giving him money
c) thinking he was mad d) telling him a funny story
D- The Novel
7) (A) Answer the following questions:
1) Where did Leila do her degree? Why?
2) What did Dr Hafez and Leila discover in the Valley of the Nobles?
B) Read the following quotation. then answer the questions
"I'm looking for places where there are other interesting things to find"
1) What did this man say his job was?
2) What did he say where he was going to be working?
C) Complete the following sentences:
3) The customs at Lima let Leila through when…………………..
4) People think that Dr.Hafez is giving Leila a special treatment because…….
D- Writing
8- Write a paragraph of about 100 words about: (June, 2009)
The various ways through which people can keep good health and fitness
E- Translation
9- A) Translate into Arabic: (June, 2009)
Egypt aims at attracting Arab and foreign capital for investment. So, the Egyptian government should encourage setting up new factories for modern industries. It should also develop the existing ones.
B) Translate into English:
1) نحن نعيش الآن في عصر الاتصالات الذي جعل العالم عالما مفتوحا.
2) كثير من أنواع النبات و الحيوان سوف تنقرض بسبب التلوث البيئي.

English-Chapter3| Vocabulary  | موقع كايرو دار | لغة انجليزية

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